about us

Who are we?

Jazz - a young woman who discovered the BJD hobby at the age of 15, but only had the courage to "play with dolls" again many years later. And yet it is so much more than that: painting, building, tailoring - there are no limits to creativity in the world of Ball Jointed Dolls. The most fascinating aspect is being able to bring your imagination and thoughts to life. Inspired by Olivia's beauty and grace, Jazz takes the big step towards realizing her vision and sharing her passion with others.

Olivia - namesake for this small place of calm and inspiration as well as a model for one or the other creation.

Aria - does not fit into any drawer and yet is perfect as she is. Model for a few creations more.

Daisy - gentle, inspiring and creative. Model for pieces with slightly wider hips.

Sam - big sister who had to take on the role of the protector far too young. Also model for clothes for the "little ones".

Matthew - Sunnyboy on the outside, deep down a torn soul with a spark of light and hope in his heart. Model for the clothing line of the really big ones.